Simple Ways To Prevent Flu - The rainy season is synonymous with an attack of influenza . Even so , do not know the actual flu season . Dr. . Roshini Raj of New York University Medical Center, said that many people are not aware if certain habits they may increase the risk for the flu. Habits such as smoking , infrequent hand washing , to excessive exercise are some of the factors that can cause a person to get the flu.
Tips to Prevent Flu / Colds
Therefore , experts advise to always apply a healthy lifestyle for the body to ward off viruses, including influenza virus . As for other suggestions that could help you to prevent the flu is as follows :
1 . wash hands
Frequent hand washing with soap and water can repel germs that stick . When hand washing , health experts advise to rub hands together vigorously for at least 20 seconds , then turn off the faucet with a towel . Whereas when you 're working , time to yourself to always clean the surface of the objects around you such as keyboards, computer mice , telephones , door handles , and so on .
2 . Avoid touching your nose , mouth , and eyes
If you feel your hands are not sterile from germs and have not had time to wash it , then try your hands away from the nose , mouth , and eye. Flu and colds can be spread from the members of the body . If you cough or sneeze , try to use a tissue , not directly covered it with his hands . If not possible, use the inside of your elbow .
3 . Familiarize healthy lifestyles
Be sure to get enough sleep , eat nutritious food , drink plenty of water , and exercise regularly to maintain overall health . Stay hydrated , by drinking eight glasses of water a day can help remove toxins in the body . While regular exercise such as brisk walking or cycling can help improve the body's ability to fight the virus . However , do not be too excessive in doing so , because it can actually lower the immune system . Exercise 5 times a week for 15-30 each session is enough to make your body fit .
4 . Do not smoke and avoid Smoke
Cigarette smoke contains toxins that can paralyze cilia , fine hairs that line the mucous membranes in the nose and lungs . Cilia work to sweep out viruses and other invaders . Cilia also remove mucus from the lungs and generally work to prevent infection . Health experts believe if impaired cilia function , then one would be at high risk for lung infection .
5 . eating yogurt
Good bacteria in yogurt can be beneficial for preventing colds , according to the National Institutes of Health . The researchers believe that bacteria in yogurt may stimulate the immune system to fight disease . Peelitian have shown that people who eat yogurt every day is known that 25 percent fewer colds .