Reason For Limiting Sugar Intake - Consuming food or drink to excess is certainly not good for health , and this is no exception with sugar . Sugar was able to add flavor to your food or drink , and is also beneficial to add energy . However , if you eat them in excess, sugar can be a major factor in the arrival of the body's various health problems . Therefore , it is very important for you to control your intake of sugar consumed everyday .
Why should maintain and limit sugar intake ?
There are several reasons why you should control the intake of sugar , and they are as follows :
1 . Increases the risk of diabetes
Eating excessive sugar can increase a person's risk for developing diabetes . This condition can occur when a person consumes excess sugar through a variety of food additive intake of calories , thus making it difficult to digest the food . This in turn can affect the function of insulin the body and cause diabetes .
2 . Affect cholesterol levels
Eating excessive sugar can reduce levels of HDL cholesterol ( good cholesterol ) , and on the other hand can also increase the levels of triglycerides in the blood . This in turn may increase the risk of heart disease . Therefore , limiting the consumption of food or beverages that are high in sugar can reduce the risk of heart disease .
3 . Making Body so tired
Sugar is able to provide instant energy . However , after some time you eat , you will feel tired and sleepy . This is because the body takes longer to digest sugar . Limit or control sugar intake can prevent your body from feeling tired and sleepy .
4 . Decreased the power of vision
Eating excessive sugar can increase your blood sugar levels . High blood sugar levels are known to cause blurring of vision in your eyes suddenly . High blood sugar levels in people with diabetes also lead to swollen eye lens so that it can make the vision becomes blurred . In addition to limiting sugar intake and maintain , you also advisable to check your blood sugar levels as well as working on it to keep it stable .
5 . Affect bone density
As has been reviewed previously that consume a lot of sugar can increase the risk of diabetes . And one of the complications of type 1 diabetes is a decrease in bone density someone . This in turn can add new problems , namely the risk of osteoporosis . Although not directly related to bone health , but excessive sugar consumption may increase the risk of type 1 diabetes , a disease in which sugar has various complications , one of them is osteoporosis .