8 Habits That Can Lead to Back Pain - Back pain can affect your daily activities . Besides causing pain around the back of the body , the condition can also damage the health of the body posture .
Many factors can lead to the occurrence of back pain . And without realizing it , the habits that we do every day can be a cause of back pain .
Habits that can cause back pain
As excerpted from the site Fitnea , 8 November 2013 , there are eight habits that can cause back pain , such as :
1 . Carrying a heavy load
The habit of carrying a bag with a heavy load can affect the condition of your back and make the body become unbalanced . Therefore , try not to carry too heavy stuff in your backpack or purse . Ideal load is safe to take 10 percent of your body weight
2 . Using high heels
High heels could possibly support the appearance of women . However, the use of heeled shoes that are too high could potentially lead to back pain and excessive pressure on the knee and heel .
3 . often angry
The study of a university found that anger and resentment are known to prevent or even reduce pain / tenderness that occurs in the body . Explosive emotions can make the muscles become tense and can directly cause pain / pain in several parts of the body including the back . In addition , anger is also unhealthy for psychological .
4 . Sitting too long
Sit too long in front of a computer screen at work can interfere with the body's posture , which in turn causes pain in the back muscles . Sitting too long is also providing 50 percent of the body weight on the spine . If the job requires you to sit for a long time , make sure the position is correct, that is not too tall and not too bent .
5 . stress
If the mind of stress , then the whole body can also come stress . Muscles in the back and neck will experience tension . If you are often stressed and never solve it , the muscle can not relax , and this will cause pain at the back of the body . To that end , if you are stressed , you have to be overcome .
6 . lack of exercise
Exercise can strengthen muscles and is useful for back support . If lack of exercise , muscles can become weak and strength of the spine can be loosened . Stretch on the back is one way to relieve back pain .
7 . Often eat junk food
Junk food is generally high in calories but nutritionally so low that it can lead to overweight or obesity . Increased body weight will usually accumulate in the back . Being overweight can cause your hips forward and be able to suppress the spine . In addition , obese people also have great potential for developing osteoporosis .
8 . Bed with a hard mattress
The mattress is too hard or too soft also affects the part of your back . For that, choose a mattress that is not too loud or too soft . Also, make sure you do not arch the spine rigid or sink when you lie in bed .